Install AWS CLI on your Local machine

In this article, we will be discussing "How to install AWS CLI on your local machine?" So, this will help us to make some common operations via CLI instead of AWS Console (GUI).

In this article, we are considering Windows machine. But for other OS like Linux/Mac, you can refer to the AWS Documentation for the downloading links and commands.

Firstly, you need to have a 64-bit Windows and should have Admin accessing rights.

Step 1: Download the AWS CLI MSI installer and wait for a few minutes to finish the installation process.

Step 2: Then once the installation is finished, to verify it open your cmd in Windows and run aws --version. You should get this as the output (or any latest version that has been installed will be displayed).

Step 3: Once confirmed, you need to log in your AWS Credentials into this cmd. To configure that run aws configure

One by one you need to enter the AWS Acces Key ID, AWS Secret Access Key, Region name and Output format. For Output format there are different options (JSON, Python..), we can go with the default one "JSON".

Step 4: To check whether the credentials are set properly, run aws sts get-caller-identity command.

Verify your UserId, Account Number and Arn whether they match with your AWS Account and you are all set to perform AWS tasks via CLI.

I hope this was useful for you. Thank you for reading this article.